We got to Iowa early this year in an effort to avoid the worst of the storm, and as a bonus got to enjoy a quiet morning with Grandma and Grandpa. The rest of the gang trickled in over the next couple of days, as the noise level slowly rose in the house. At some point it got to be too much for Millie, who did not sleep at all for three nights. We hysterically tried to shoosh her in the middle of the night so she didn't wake up the rest of the household. But she behaved very well during waking hours and had a wonderful time. Which is really all that matters.
This is my in-laws' back yard.
Helping Grandpa fill the deer food.
Chillin' out with Grandpa. Don't let this photo full you, this was just moments before the quiet turned to chaos when the rest of the family showed up. Chaos in a good way.
Taking a moment to relax.
Millie and her cousin Kate take Ring Around The Rosie very seriously.
The cousins stop for a Kodak Moment with Grandma and Grandpa.
After what can only be described as the upteenth meal of the day (cookies don't count), it's gift opening time!
Can you say "sensory overload?"
It's madness, I tell you, madness!
But Millie loves it.
This is the view from their basement. Yes, the deer are that close.
...A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear.