Note to self: Do not go to the fair on the first Friday.
Too many fat people wearing "I survived Anorexia" T-shirts, too many toddlers on leashes (and by the way, parents, a leash with a fuzzy teddy bear on it is still a LEASH), and entirely too many teenagers wearing outfits that should be reserved for a Prince concert, or hooking. Add to that poor Tony's nasty allergies and Millie's nasty mood, and we would have been better off going out to Famous Dave's for dinner.
Not to sound too negative, I will say there were a couple of lovely hightlights. Millie got to go down the giant slide with her daddy and two of her BFF's, Lucy and Betty. We had a great time at the Little Farm Hands area where it was nice and quiet and where Millie picked out a box of cereal which kept her surprisingly content. And it was an extra special treat hanging out with Sarah, Mike, and GORGEOUS Kaelani.
But next year, we're skipping the first two days. Just sayin'.
I have a creeping suspicion that the next few years at the fair will be limited to Kiddy Midway and the cow barn.
We don't know the girl in the foreground, but she was very sweet to Millie on the giant bee ride.
Kaelani, Betty, Lucy and Millie: The Four Tiny Farmers, The Future of America.
It's the cows.
Corn head
She was supposed to be dancing with all the other kids, but true to form, she mostly stood around mesmerized by the chaos.
Don't let all the complaining fool you, we're going back Monday!