Thursday, March 26, 2009

The usual gang at the usual hang-out

Noah took some cute pictures of the girls today at Coffee Grounds. He also took a couple of Millie and I together, but it made me realize that I will not be posting any pictures of myself until I can afford liposuction and Botox treatments. But the girls are perfection, of course.

Lillian doing her best Mae West impersonation.

Millie being creative with a small chocking hazzard.

Me ty-ward.

Eve and her favorite stalker.

It's a shame we have such a shy child. Heartbreaking, really.

I know this is supposed to be all about Millie, but come on, how cute is Eve?!

1 comment:

Kayt said...

Those girls are all positively delicious!! I haven't seen Lillian or Eve in a while and they've both grown so much! Imagine that!