Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial day concert

After a perfect, bug-free day, we hit the first concert of the season at the Como Pavillion with  Z and family. The show was advertised as Easy Listening, but it so wasn't. Think Celine Dion singing Kum Ba Ya, backed by a bunch of guys who didn't make the cut for the local church band. The "music" got thumbs up from the kids, not so much from mom and dad. Oh how we suffer for our children.

Rockin' out to some gospel.

Millie being polite.

Getting two toddlers to look at the camera at the same time is like teaching a gold fish to sit. Not possible.

Seemed as a good a time as any for some light yoga.

Aaawww. I heart my family.

A glorious Memorial Day weekend. And the best part? It's only Sunday!

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