Sunday, August 2, 2009

Another weekend comes and goes

Even though we are all still fighting nasty colds, we managed to have a lovely weekend. It started out with a day at the Washington County Fair where Millie and I joined Tony's family to watch our two nephews show their cattle. Sounds like my kind of thing doesn't it? Surprisingly, it was fun. Millie really enjoyed seeing her grandparents and cousins. Of course her favorite part was the goats. She was in heaven. (I would have said "hog heaven" but we skipped the swine barn in favor of the Malt Shack.)

Sadly, I have no pictures of the fair. Just think huge bulls pooping right in front of you as you sit in the second row of bleachers and you'll get the right visual.

Saturday is a blur. There was some playing, some napping, and burgers on the grill.

Sunday we met friends at Edina Grill for breakfast, then spent the morning at Lake Harriet chatting with the ducks and riding the trolley (approximately a 3.7 minute ride). In the evening we had a birthday dinner for Saba at Tryg's.

At Lake Harriet Bandshell.

Millie with the birthday boy.

And now, another Monday. Sigh.

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