Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday in Arizona

Today we went for a nice long walk on the canal, met Grandma and Grandpa for breakfast at another favorite, Saddle Ranch Chop House (which I later found out was voted the number one place to pick up a one night stand in Arizona. Nifty.), then Mommy got some alone time to shop and meander while Daddy and Millie went swimming for three hours. Millie was literally in the water for over two and a half hours of that.

Since Millie has been going to bed at 10 p.m. and waking up at 6:30 a.m., we decided to skip nap today. Instead we went to a park with a playground and a gazillion geese. After dinner on the patio and ice cream with Grandpa, it was back to reality watching some crazy Republicans on T.V. Sigh. Bed time came early, for both Millie and Mommy.

Take a picture sweetie, I ain't got time to waste.

Lunch at the Saddle Ranch.

Took her a while to warm back up to swings. This is the same swing she sat in at 9 months, her very first swing.

Favorite mode of transit.

Signing off.

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