Monday, October 26, 2009


Once again, we were fortunate to be included in Angie and Jorg's annual pumpkin carving festivities at Rumspringa. We've been looking forward to it since last year, and the day did not disappoint. The weather held out nicely so we were able to get in all sort of Norman Rockwell-esque activities including, but not limited to: enjoying breathtaking vistas of rolling hills, changing fall colors, streams and fields. Feeding horses with apples picked fresh off the tree. Playing gleefully on giant hay bales. Second...ok, third, helpings of delicious chili, corn bread muffins, and a life-time supply of candy. Tractor rides around the never-ending property. And of course, carving home-grown pumpkins into our very own Jack O' Lanterns.

Exhausted two-year old dropping off 15 minutes into the drive home: check.

Rumspringa in all her glory.

Our little musicians.

Belting it out with daddy.

We heart Elliot. Can you blame us? Just look at that face!

We see horses!

Hello Glenn.

Finally, it's time to carve us some punkin's!

I'm supposed to carve this?

I sigh deeply just thinking about this day. Thank you so much Jorg, Angie, Coco and Elliot!

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