Last night was National Night Out. Our block is too lazy to plan anything, so we met Eve, Lillian, and their parents at Java Train Coffee Shop for a big celebration. They had grills and we all brought a dish to share. Lots of neighbors showed up, along with police officers on motocycles, which Millie thought was very cool. She makes a voom voom sound every time she sees a cycle, stationary or otherwise. We don't know where she learned that.
Mostly Millie had fun because she got to go up in the play water tower, which I usually don't let her do. But her dad is more fun than I am. Other than a three-year-old sociopath throwing sand directly in Millie's face ON PURPOSE, a good time was had by all. My crazy family
Millie is starting to get a little jealous when I hold other babies. Especially super cute ones like Lillian.
Yelling "HI!" to anyone who will listen from up high in the water tower.
Coo Coo (peek-a-boo in Hebrew)
Eve taking a break from all that walking.
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